
How To Change Culture Of An Organization

Changing Organizational Culture

A common set up where individuals from unlike back grounds, educational qualifications, interests and perception come up together and utilize their skills to earn revenue is called an organisation. The successful functioning of an organization depends on the attempt put past each employee. Each individual has to contribute his level best to accomplish the tasks inside the desired fourth dimension frame.

Every organization has a unique manner of working which is often called its culture. The beliefs, policies, principles, ideologies of an organization grade its culture.

The culture of the organization is nothing but the upshot of the interaction amid the employees working for quite some fourth dimension. The behaviour of the individual with his fellow workers as well as external parties forms the culture. The management way of dealing with the employees in its ain way also contributes to the civilization of the arrangement.

Employees working for a considerable amount of time in whatsoever particular system tend to make certain rules and follow some policies equally per their convenience and mutual understanding. Such policies and procedures practised past the employees for a long time to make the workplace a happier identify class the culture. The civilization oftentimes gives the employees a sense of management at the workplace.

Organization civilisation still can never be constant. It changes with time.

Let the states understand the concept with the help of an case.

System A was a well-known event management house. Tom, Sandra, Peter and Jack represented the management. All the iv were in their mid-thirties and thus emphasized on hiring immature talent. No wonders this organization followed a youth civilization. The employees were aggressive, on their toes and eager to do something innovative always. The organization followed a macho culture where the employees performing exceptionally well were appreciated and rewarded suitably. Appraisals and promotions came in no time and feedbacks were quick. The management as well encouraged in formal go-togethers, dinners to bring the employees closer and increase the comfort level.

Afterwards proving their mettle for quite some years, Tom, Sandra and Peter decided to motility on for better opportunities. Tim, Maria, Sara all in their fifties stepped into their shoes and took the charge forth with Jack, the merely fellow member left from the previous team. They did not somehow approve the previous fashion of working. They brought their own people from their previous organizations and thus caused bug for the existing employees. The direction strongly supported punctuality and did not quite promote parties; get-togethers at workplace. There were no feedbacks or rewards. The employees lacked enthusiasm and never bothered to do something innovative.

Is there whatsoever alter in the work civilisation ?

A change in the management changed the unabridged style of working.

Reasons for changes in work culture

  • A new direction, a new team leader, a new dominate brings a change in the organization culture. A new employee simply obvious would have new ideas, concepts and effort his level best to implement them. He would want the employees to work according to him. His style of working, behaviour and ideologies would definitely bring a change in the piece of work culture.
  • Financial loss, bankruptcy, market fluctuations also atomic number 82 to alter in the work culture of the organisation. When an organisation runs into losses, it fails to give rewards and appraisals to the employees as it used to give earlier.
  • Acquiring new clients might cause a modify in the work culture. The employees might have to bring nigh a change in their style of working to run into the expectations of the new clients.
  • The employees on their own might realize that they demand to bring a alter in their attitude, perception and mode of working to achieve the targets at a much faster charge per unit. Such self-realization besides changes the work civilization.

Authorship/Referencing - Nearly the Author(s)

The article is Written By "Prachi Juneja" and Reviewed By Management Study Guide Content Team. MSG Content Team comprises experienced Kinesthesia Member, Professionals and Subject Matter Experts. We are a ISO 2001:2015 Certified Educational activity Provider. To Know more than, click on About Usa. The utilize of this material is gratuitous for learning and education purpose. Please reference authorship of content used, including link(s) to and the content folio url.


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